Monday, November 13, 2006

Planning for retirement

I chanced upon reading an article under the Invest Section in the The Sunday Times (12/11/06). It is about "Hitting Your 50's Splurge or Save?" The writer interviewed 3 persons whose age is 51, 52 and 60. They used to have a well-paid position in their previous job and one of them is retrenched but is working as estate agent. He's in his sixties and has two teenagers to support. He said he plans to work till he drops dead which can quite be a devasting thing to hear.

The other two are more lucky than him, they are self-empolyed and they are saving up in terms of cutting down expenses such as branded goods and materialistic life. So that they will have more money to "tackle" with health in case there's such a need in later part of their life.

Personally, I feel one should start saving up their money when they are young and tried not to spend on unnecessary items. As a young tennager or adult, we should take care more of our health with attentive care and effort as we retire in our "golden years", we are not depending on anyone else. One may feel its still long way to go to plan for the future but its better to start early than late.

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