Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Greetings 2006
Warmth in yr Soul,
Contentment in Life.
Joy in yr home.
May these Priceless Treasures be yrs always.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Last Day of Working Day In Takashimaya
I want to say a big "Thanks" to my fellow friends, colleagues and promoters below;
Colleagues- Janey Lee (My manager), Lee Keng and James Liao (My two Supervisors)May Lin,
Hock Chun, David Kong, Whee Ling, Aisyah, Maiha etc.
Promoters -Auntie Junne (Tefal), Amy (Calphon), Jacky Chan (Scanpan), Linda (Meyer), Uncle Francis (Supor), Uncle Peter Teo (Tanyu), Felicia (Green Perfect), Mei zhen and Ah Yan (La Gourmet).
Rose (WMF), Christine and Chelsia (Henckels), Roseline and Eric Ang (Tiger), Auntie Annie (ZOJirushi), Alice (Philips), Doorothy (Cornell), Amy(Taiyo), Julie (Severin).
Friends-Matthew Teo and Jonathan Hong
They joked with me,helped me when I am feeling lost and gave me some good advices in life. Some of them even cooked my share when doing cooking demostration. One of them is really a fantastic cook. She will bring my share when she has cooked more for her family on that day. I definately will miss her and her cooked food. :( Others will buy food for the staff when their sales have meet the company's target.
Overall, its been an enjoyable and wonderful memories working with them. I will look for them if I am shopping in Takashimaya.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Planning for retirement
The other two are more lucky than him, they are self-empolyed and they are saving up in terms of cutting down expenses such as branded goods and materialistic life. So that they will have more money to "tackle" with health in case there's such a need in later part of their life.
Personally, I feel one should start saving up their money when they are young and tried not to spend on unnecessary items. As a young tennager or adult, we should take care more of our health with attentive care and effort as we retire in our "golden years", we are not depending on anyone else. One may feel its still long way to go to plan for the future but its better to start early than late.
Monday, October 23, 2006
A nice touching music by Zhou Jie Lin
Have been wondering how the mtv will look like;
here it goes...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Happy Deepavali
What does Deepavali mean?
It means on this special day, the Hindus must light up candles in their home to signify the trumph of good over evil. Before that, they must wake up early to go to the temple and pray first. Not only that they have to clean the dust and dirt in their house
Those people who are going to visit to the Hindus' house, they wear their traditional Hindu clothes and costume in term of bright colour. They have to bring along some sweet stuff to give to the owner to bless them with health and have a smooth life ahead .
They use the coloured sweet rice to draw some decorative pictures outside their doorstep to attract ants so they have good luck in the rest of the months.
But I have checked out wif my Indian friend who is going to invite me to his house for dinner, said that all those customs and cultures mentioned above, are done by those traditional Hindus. As for his mum and him, both of them are quite modern as they pasted a big sticker on the floor outside his doorstep and used lightbulbs to hang on the curtains.
Overall, I realise somehow or rather their festival is similar to Chinese New Year.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Spending ur leisure time
Jux found out from the survey in an attended one-day course (12/10/06)
- Shopping
- Tour
- Night Spots (e.g. Pub, KTV, movies etc)
Any comments??
Monday, October 09, 2006
NSRCC Chalet (6th - 8th of Oct)

I was quite surprised tat I am the 1st one when I reached there as I thought I will be late. When I called Ping, she said Pk, Hz and her are reaching the place soon in a Cab. After getting down from the vehicle, they said they encountered alot of funny incidents with the driver while on they were on the way. What the incident was, I think Pk would write down in her blog.

Finally we managed to settle down ourselves by putting the food in the fridge, unpacked the stuff in our bag, change into our comfort clothing etc.
Here's a list of activities began:
Day 1
1. Singing JJ Lin's Karaoke Dvd 2005 (Quan and Ting came)
2. Swam with Quan and Ting in the Resort pool and soaked in the jazcuzi. The rest are watching the movie, "Just my luck" in the chalet
3. Ard evening for dinner, we sat ard the table, eating Bee Hoon cooked by Pk's Mother. (Thxs Pk and her Mother)
4. Cleared and washed the plates and start to get the lanterns to light up for the festival.
5. Playing with some firework sticks and light up some canterns outside our doorstep.
6. Clear up the mess and went for a bath.
7. Bring out some mooncakes to eat which are contributed by Ping and me while watching TV.
Not to forget my jelly fruits tart.
8. Playing majohng till 2 am
9. Went to sleep.
Day 2
1. Not able to sleep well due to noises and disturbances from the neighbour.
2. Wake up at 8.30 am.
3. Watched the JJ Lin's concert in China with PK, Hz and Ping
4. Playing some Lotus and Daidee while watching the concert.
5. Watched the "The Shaggy Dog" movie.
6.Got a call from my mother tat PSI hit a reading of 128 in the morning.
7. Watched Wang Li Hong's Taiwan Concert
8. Getting prepared for this evening's bbq and made a simple lunch for myself.
9. Played board game which brought by Quan excluding Ting.
10. BBQ Time at 1700 hrs
11. Cutting fruits for everyone to eat and watch TV.
12. Packing up to go home with Hz.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Tell me the description of A Singaporean
She began to ask, " Execuse me. Are u a local here?" After that I replied by smiling, "Ya." Then she said, "Oh u dont look like a Singaporean, more like a foreigner to me." In my mind, I was cursing and swearing, "Hey Miss, I am a purely and truely Singaporean since I am born here. What makes u think so I am not. Do u want me to show u my pink I.C.? "
She tried to explain what's her motive her doing there but in the end I rejected her by giving some excuses that I am in a rush to meet friends for dinner at the food court. On the way back home, I am thinking this is not the 1st time I encountered this before. There's a supplier coming to my work place and settled something. He also started to ask this kind of qns.
Before I entered N.S, there's a poly year 1 classmate who is a guy, asked this qns too. Maybe there's a lot of china, India, Mynamar Students in Polytechnic as he might mistaken tat I am one of the foreign students. I was quite disappointed in his first impression of me. Haha. I used to be more fair, more plump than what I am now. So I do not blame him at all.
So can anyone tell me how does a Singaporean look like in terms of description, character, behaviour, etc? I am still looking for an answer.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
A change in my field of studies?
On the other hand, I still want to study related to my diploma as it is easier to understand and get hold of the whole concept since I have learned the basic. If I choose a new course, I will start from scratch...
So how? Its contradicting......
Friday, August 25, 2006
As my parents are still healthy, I hope they can see those nice places n eat those chinese cusine which they havent eaten in Singapore. Another Option is Cruise with family or friends which is not a bad idea either. But too bad... I muz work hard towards one of my goals so tat this dream will come true asap.
Here is my list of top 3 countries:
1. Taiwan
2. Australia
3.Hong Kong
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Happy 41th Birthday Singapore!

The NDP Live Show has just ended more than 2 hrs. The performance is grand and nice especially the firework segment which is the best so far I have ever seen held over the years. This is the last time where the celebration is held at Kallang Stadium before it demolish and build a new one by the time of 3-4 yrs time.
Cant imagine I will be 27 yrs old by then. WOW...I so old, hopefully by that time my job is stable and have a good certificate (Bachelor/Honors) related to my interest of studies. Not to mention, my ambition, dream and wishes will come true ard 5 yrs. Muz work hard for it.
While watching the show in the TV, I keep on recalling how I am lucky enough to participate NDP but it is held in Padang Stadium last year. The feeling able to particpate in real life is different wat you have seen in TV. I like the GOH (Police, Navy, RSAF, Commando battalion) contingent, wearing their NO.1 nice uniform smartly and marching past proudly in front of the President. But too bad, I am in the SCDF contingent. Hopefully I am one of the GOH in the NDP in my next life but provided I muz born as a guy. Haha...
Saw two ladies become the contingent I.C. leading the Police GOH for the first time this year, not only that all the GOH have to carry the specially made Raffles SAR-21 which is shorter than the usual M-16 Riffle gun and their way,command of carrying the gun is different too. When its time for the president to walk past and inspect the GOH, the previous 6 canon tankers changed to 4 tankers so the timming and accuracy for the 21 canons to be fired must be correct and shart As for the "Fo De Ji Wa" event, they have to face 45 degrees to shoot the air bullets from right to left; left to right.
Ok, since it's Sg National Day today.
Here I wish my country prosperous, may the ppl living ard us healthy and racial hormany.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Twenty-Three (23)
Woke in the morning need to go to work as I applied for BL (one of company's benifits but i still dun like the company). So wat should i do today?
- Using the comp to read blogs, emails and surfing ard for information
- Going to gym for 1 hr
- Going for my Class 3 practical driving lessons (4 pm-5.30 pm)
- Meeting up wif Ping, Ame for a movie, "Pirates of The Caribean-The Dead Man's Chest" in the evening
Thats the programme for me today.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
But today is a special day...
Double Match. It happens only once in a lifetime.
So...I wish YOU a very Wonderful Day!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Juz a disappointment
Luckily, I noe my chances are not so high luckily my disappointment is not so much. Now waiting for another result of the news by letter for more than one week.
My two granddad and grandfather in heaven, do u guys heard my prayer and wishes?
hopefully so.
Praying and Praying.
Changing my temper
I feel tat it is quite true. No matter how frutrasted u are, u still have to solve it. By leaving it alone, the problem will not settle by itself. Haizz...i thought already change my character, attitude and temper but not all. Looks like i still have to learn alot from my officer, LTA Ng and Angies Sim (My Ex-popluar Assist manager).
Muz change...muz change.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Praying for my dreams come true
I wonder how come the letter still havent come to my house yet. Been waiting n waiting...argh! Dun like the feeling of this. Heard from my frend tat his frend has received the letter. But not both of us. Muz due to some reasons behind it. Hopefully, we can get it ASAP.
I dunno why I can still tahan working in this company for one mth, motive:
- Waiting for the letter if successful, stay on. If not, meanwhile hand on to this job and find another job regarding to my course, persue my dreams.
- Trying to save $$$ as much as possible if can to go on tour to Aust to visit my frends who is currently studying over there.
Praying n Praying...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wat an OFF Day. ~_~
Go to Storm which located in Century Square Shopping centre to have a haircut 1st time and the stylist taught me how to style my hair. She cut my hair as I requested and the result came out to be quite statisfactory. Maybe my hair needed to keep long enough for more than one mth so tat it can be styled out for more patterns and have to dye again. But first the hairstyle muz suit ur face n ur whole appearance or else it will have negative effect.
Before tat, went to CPF building to make an enquiry abt my Progress Package. Argh! Government forgot to give me an addition $100 for nsmen. I have ORD for more than 2 mths n gone through NS but havent completed my ORNS yet but when the CPF personnel checked for me, it is not shown in their system record. I am not a female; I am a male. The guy wrote for me an appeal form and the results will noe in 2-3 weeks time.
Actually wanted to go swimming in the late afternoon but it rained. So sianz. Guess no choice, have to go sum other time again.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
For me, I dunno whether I will continue to be in this line or whether I can get degree as soon as possible. I will take each day counts as the days passed by. Sumtimes in life, its not up to us to decide; Fate and Luck play their roles in our life too.
Most important, I have support from my family and friends to hang on in this job as much as I can. First of all, I will like to say, "Thanks" to my parents and friends whoever noe themselves to give me support... I shall not forget.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
My job.
Its not easy doing retail line, beside working on weekends, the most difficult part is to test ur patient whether u can endure all kinds of customers' characters, moods and attitudes. I noe we as retailing workers, have our reponsibilities to serve our customers and respond to their enquires within our best effort. But I hope sumtimes they can stand in our positions and see from our side of view; although we are the staff or the promoters of the shopping centre, we try to noe whatever knowledge we have in either the products or the things we sell in the shopping centre.
One of my friends advised to me, " One unreasonable customer u have served is one karma resolved and get them off from ur back as quickly as possible." Another said, " Try to work in this line first as u can while looking for a better job within area of my studies." Well...i will see how it goes as days passed by and really really hope my wish can come true in next week that is mentioned in my previous posts.
As for my superiors and colleagues, overall I can say they are not bad or average in terms of their personality to me. Some promoters will help us if they are free when we, staff, are busy attending the customers, cashiering, doing paper assignments and stock.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
SUNDAY Sunday sunday....
Hopefully, I pray hard tat my wish will come true by earliest end of nxt mth. If it comes true, I REALLY REALLY WILL NOT BE LAZY AGAIN. If doesnt come true, i will have another plan. =) All of u muz be curious wat my wish is. I will tell u if it comes true. Of cox, good one lah. Friends and readers, muz pray hard for me.
SUNDAY. Wat I going to do on Sunday? another day staying at home?! not a bad idea...all of u are thinking y staying at home; so lonely, boring, nothing to do...but I dun think so seriously.
ok. End of my blog.
See ya~~
Thursday, February 23, 2006
So many job opportunities for me in a day
Intially, I agreed and she also has told me tat she has another job offered by Starhub which conducts interview today at her workplace Ngee Ann City Tower A. Its an admin job which is $7/hr (i was like wow, $7.00 leh nv earn so much for my part time job be4)but that company has to see how well u perform in the interview.
Then abt 2 hrs later, another company which i looking for a permanent job tat time, called me up tat I can start work on Monday. I was liked troubled, puzzled how come so many jobs offered to me at the same time. So I consider by weighing the pros and cons of each factor n chosen tat permanent job due to my own reasons.
In the noon, meet up Jackson and Ruirong to buy our formal working attire. Bought a long sleeve shirt in Metro and a pair of black working pants in G2000. Ate at Ding Tai Feng for lunch for the 1st time. The food and the service are not bad. Will go there with my family again one day. During our conversation, Ruirong said her company is hiring some temp staff. The pay is $6/hr and she juz gets this piece of news from her manager yesterday. TOO bad, both of us have confirmed our job with the agency n the company. After tat, we went to see a movie, "Pink Panther". As we thought there's ample of time left, we took our neon prints at the nxt shop beside the cinema till we are late for 10 mins for the show. At first, I thought its supposed to be its just another lame comdey show without any meanings inside the story line or the actor acted as Pink Panther; same name n somehow similar to its animation to recast n became a movie. But when I watched it, its a good show for a comdey type of movie.
*Recommend u guys and friends to go n watch it.
After movie, Ruirong and Jackson have their dinner while I ate a dessert, Fu Zhu Yi Mi. In my impression, it muz be my 1st time eating this desert. Finished our dinner, what we shall be doing..of coz go home lor.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Programes of the Day
But Nagh....all the designs of the wallet are not nice at one look. So I guess have to use my 22nd birthday wallet gift.
Thinking of our next destination, "Jackson's house", suggested by Alex.
Hmm concidentally on the way at TM, I meet Jack who is my Senior at my NS time and he is currently working in Singpost, we didnt talk much as we seem like both of us are rushing to do our own things.
Upon reaching his house, Alex started to play his Naruto PS2 game while I was so interested to watch Naruto on his PC ever since this animation is out. I was quite surprised that we are so engrossed doing each individual things associated with Naruto while Jack slacked on his bed, watching abit of us here n there. LoL...
American Idol Season 4 started at 2030 hrs and we stopped watever we are doing n concentrated into each of 12 ladies contestants' singing performance. When we r watching the show, we also talking other topics among ourselves beside rating how they performed until the whole show ended at 2 hrs later. I was quite surprised tat those as young as 16 years old westerm ladies are more matured and well grown than like above 25 years old of ladies in Singapore. (Wow) Not bad for their singing except a few.
Later we went to makan our late dinner cum supper at Foodcourt nearby Temasek Poly. After tat, took bus home to write this blog. Overall, I quite liked wat my friends and I have done today.
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laugh
LMAO = Laughing My Ass Out
Not only these 3 words, but there also a lots more used by people in this world.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
*All the best*
Feburary...its the month of Valentine and also CNY festival is coming to an end which falls on this Sunday. This month where alot of ppl go for overseas study, some ppl starting their school in the Pte Unversity which open in Singapore and also the two famous local NTU and NUS begin their enrolment registration from the starting of this mth including SIM and SMU etc...
2 of my Sec buddies are going to Australia to study their Degree today and will be coming back at the end of this year. My other sec friends and me will be going to the Airport to send them off later. Since when I was a kid, I always seen ppl sending off their friends or relatives at the Airport on TV, but this time round I have to send my friends in real life.
Listening to two chinese songs "Wu Qi Long-Zhu Ni Yi Lu Shun Fen" and "Wu Yin Liang Pin-Peng You" which stir up my emotion and feeling, sometimes as wat others say at wat kind of songs suit wat kind of atmosphere. The two songs above dedicated to my 2 buddies.
Monday, February 06, 2006
****A Recall Moment****
Been thinking n thinking for past few days, an incident has happened on CNY. Jux a small minor case lah and it is not the 1st time tat happened. As wat i can do, is treat it normal and let it go. ( Easy to say but when U wan to do it, its quite difficult). I should say one consoling sentence tat "Nothing is fair n perfect in this world." But thxs to some of my friends when I need u guys.
Quite surprised to hear from my friend tat he told me tat she (a normal sch friend) S.Y. has this kind of 1st impression of another ger in the sch whom we knew.<----I have nothing to comment. Even a stranger has this kind of negative impression, so is my judgement correct???
Finally found my 'O' level certificate, haha. Didnt noe have this cert till my friend told me abt it. Looking at some of the grades, how I wish I can retake all over again to make it "beautiful".
But there's no point looking back, we muz look forward now.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Happy Lunar New Year 2006

The spring has arrived. It means begining of a new lunar year with all relatives and friends gathering together for a reunion; visting each other's house with lots of yummy food and goodies to eat n drink. Not only tat, we can get to see each other only once a year, as we are busy with our own lives to lead, to see how they are progressing for past a year. Especially Kids love this occassion as they can collect Ang Baos from married couples and have fun with other children.
As for me, I will be very busy for Spring cleaning as it is a must for every family to get rid of old stuff and dust before this big day arrive. As usual, I will stay at home with my family on the 1st day to relax at home to recharge energy as the day before, we are worn out by doing lots of housework, preparing food to pray and go to the chinese temple to pray, staying up late till 5 am this morning etc.
Then tomolo, my family will go out and visit my relatives...
Opps...forget to write my resolutions (promise myself to write them down before 2006 arrive but now already CNY...Haha!)
But nvm, as long as u have the heart; its nv too late.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Wat a Comfortable Day today
Thinking of going out today...upon seeing the weather, I have decided to stay at home and help out to do some chores by ironing clothes etc. Who says its a wasteful day to spend a day of weekend at home? Beside personally, its a blessing to have warmth,love and care with ur parents and siblings on this weather.
Today SCDF (Singapore Civil Defence) is having a big major exercise at 4 MRT stations; Dhoby Ghaut, Toa Payoh, Raffles Place and Marina Bay as well as Toa Payoh Interchange...
As a result I kanna recalled by HQ early with 4 missed calls on my Mobile Phone in the morning ard 7 am which the operation began already on 6.30 am. (:() I juz scanned in my 11b......
Well, saw this big news telecasting on the TV for 3 times. LoL...I think SCDF is very proud of this success Codename: Exercise North Star IV operation. After tat, watch "Ren Chi Charity Show 2006" in Channel U; the 1st charity programe beginning in this yr 2006. They really put in a lot of effort, raise as much $$ to help the needy. But pity, there are 2 events which held outdoor, cannot be done smoothly or cancelled in the other half part of one event due to the weather.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Finding Jobs in the yr 2006
have been finding suitable job positions, cutting up, circling, sending resumes to individual companies ever since last yr when I am having my VL (Vocation Leave) begining in Oct 2005.
So far, 1 company has called me abt some enquiries, 4 of them are reviewing my resume. But havent call up for interview yet. :( ..... well dun give up, juz continue to keep on finding.
Send out 6 job applications from last week Sat of Recurit Section under " The Straits Times" few....maybe its holiday festival mood for a past few days so less companies published in the newpaper.
Ok gtg n have my lunch...after tat go for swimming.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
A Happy Yr of Health, Luck and Joy
52 weeks of Fun,
365 Days of Success,
8760 hrs of Good Health,
52 5600 mins of Good Luck &
3153600 secs of Joy!
Happy 2OO6!!!